Sale! Whistler Pro 93 GXI Expand

Whistler Pro 93 GXI

Whistler Whistler


Radar laser detector GPS

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319,00 €

       The new GPS(POI) equipped radar detector from Whistler

  • "ALL NEW" FDSR (Field Disturbance Sensor Rejection) combats false alerts caused by collision avoidance and blindspot detection systems in newer vehicles
  • "ALL NEW" TFSR (Traffic Flow Signal Rejection) helps eliminate alerts from radar based traffic flow sensors
  • "ALL NEW" REVISED BLUE OLED TEXT DISPLAY provides clear and more distinct text display and alerts
  • INTERNAL GPS locates and alerts to all red light and speed camera locations in Europe . Database is updatable via USB.
  •  Ka NARROW MODES (34.0, 34.3 GHz)
  •  DETECTS / EUROPEAN LASER GUNS speed measurement equipment such as Vitronic Poliscan Speed, Pro Laser 3, LTi 20/20, Trucam, Traffipatrol XR, Riegl, Jenoptik, Laveg, Lidar, Truspeed, Velolaser, Pegasus, and more
  •  ALERT PERISCOPES LEDs on top of the unit provide additional visual alert
  •  POP® MODE DETECTION advanced speed detection capability responds to brief bursts of radar
  •  360° MAXX RADAR COVERAGE detects from front, sides, and rear
  •  3 CITY MODES(City, City 1, and City 2) reduce the annoyance of false alerts
  •  SELECTABLE TONE ALERTS provide audible alerts for bands received
  •   DIM / DARK reduces the illumination of the display. When in dark mode, the display is turned off during an alert then remains off for a further 20 seconds before returning to its dimmer setting.
  •   QUIET / AUTO QUIET silences audio alerts
  •   ALERT PRIORITY displays most important signal when more than one is detected
  •   SETTING SAVER saves personalized settings when unit is turned off
  •   VEHICLE BATTERY SAVER automatically shuts off your detector if you forget to turn it off (if selected)

Accessory Packaging Includes

  • Laser Radar Detector,
  • 12V Power Cord,
  • Windshield Bracket Kit,
  •  Dash Pad,
  •  User Guide,
  •  USB Data cable


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